Monday, March 1, 2021

Version 1.5 - New Spring Graphics, Legends, and Simplified Interfaces

 A fairly healthy batch of updates are coming in version 1.5 of MOMDYN. The first couple of changes you can see in the gif below. First, in the 3-D diagram you now get spring graphics, as has always existed in the 2-D diagram. Second, when you flip over to the plots in the report view, there is now a legend above each of them. If you tap one of the legend entries, you can also de-active or re-activate which lines to include in the plot.

Also new, the interfaces for particle and spring generation have been simplified. Where previously you would have to define a parameter in the classic interface, now you can enter numeric values, and the parameters will be automatically generated. So, a little bit less control over naming and descriptions, but generally one fewer step in getting to your end goal.

Hope this works well, and be sure to drop me a line if you have any suggestions that I can implement in future MOMDYN releases.