Sunday, May 10, 2020

Tutorial video - revolute and prismatic joints

I uploaded a video to Youtube which shows new joint mechanics that have been added in the last couple of releases. Joints in MOMDYN combine attributes of various features of the classic interface. A revolute joint creates a new frame along with the associated symbolic constants and time varying properties. A prismatic joint creates a vector and point. Each can include spring-damper physics, which is included in the demo. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What's new in version 0.7?

The newest MOMDYN beta release is the first to include the capability to export data and code from the model to share with colleagues, or to transfer your analysis to a desktop environment. From the menu dialog, there is now an export button, in which there are three options.
  • Model : used to share and import to the MOMDYN app
  • Simulation : tabular data for each state variable
  • Python : source code that can be executed on a desktop
On iOS, open the “Files” app and navigate to “On My iPhone/momdyn/momdyn/Documents” to view exported files. To import another user’s model, place the file into your “On My iPhone/momdyn/momdyn/user” folder, then it will be visible in the import menu on the welcome screen.